
Photo of Claire RubinThe webmaster is Claire B. Rubin; her company website is Claire B. Rubin & Associates.  She has more than 43 years of experience in the fields of emergency management and homeland security. She has maintained this blog for 13 years.

She blogs as as the “Recovery Diva” to call attention to the long-term recovery process after disasters. The blog is intended to provide informal educational resources for both researchers and practitioners. The postings contain information about current disaster events, news (such as newly-released reports from government agencies), comments, opinions, and an occasional burst of outrage.

Two unusual features of this blog: (1) book reviews and (2) index of articles, done semi-annually, to make it more useful to researchers.

More About The Diva


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Claire B. Rubin
The Recovery Diva
Arlington, VA 22202
Email: cbrubin@yahoo.com


We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely. [E.O. Wilson Pulitzer Prize winner, author, and ecologist at Harvard University]

“Merely to have survived is not an index of excellence.” [Gates of Repentance, p. 331]




Rev. 8/23

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